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Compounded Monthly Growth Rate: Understanding and Calculating Compounded Monthly Growth Rates

Contributors: Manjusha Karkera
Published: January 5, 2023


Here’s an in-depth understanding of how to calculate and utilize CMGR for assessing the month-over-month growth of investments or business performance. It outlines the formula for calculating CMGR, emphasizes its advantages in smoothing out volatility and providing a clearer view of growth trends, and discusses its significance for investors and businesses aiming for sustainable growth. The content also addresses common questions related to CMGR, offering practical insights into its application in financial analysis and decision-making.

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Introduction to Compounded Monthly Growth Rate

Investors can calculate the Compound Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR) method to determine the periodic growth or the cumulative growth of an investment over a specific time period.

One of the most important and the most challenging metrics to achieve for a business is exponential growth. Sustained exponential growth gives potential investors an idea of how well a company is doing. To measure the possible development of a business, it is essential to determine the concept of a month-over-month growth rate. To calculate compounding growth or monthly growth rate helps understand the cyclicality of a company’s performance.

What does Compound Monthly Growth Rate mean?

Compound Monthly Growth Rate or CMGR is the average month-over-month growth rate over a more extended period, typically around 7-18 months. CMGR is described as assuming that a business’s growth rate happens at a constant rate during a particular time period.

How to Calculate Compound Monthly Growth Rate?

The Compound Monthly Growth Rate is also called the Month-over-Month growth of a metric can be calculated with the compound monthly formula or the compounded growth rate formula (compound growth equation):

CMGR = (Final Months Value / Initial Month Value) ^ (1 / Number of months) – 1

You may also use the CAGR calculator for SIP. One of the most significant advantages of Compound Growth Rate is that the compounding effect is considered. Compound monthly growth rates (CMGR) are unaffected by volatility and are most pertinent in comparing different data series.

Advantages of tracking month-over-month growth rate

  • When used to the fullest, the Month-over-Month growth metric is used to accurately model a business’s current performance and predict future success. Month-over-month rate shows how far companies are concerned and committed to their future growth.
  • Month-over-Month growth metrics can impress investors to stick with the company for the long term. Investors become highly impressed if they notice a brand showcases potential growth and proposes actionable insights to address an issue. 
  • The Month-over-Month metric gives a clear picture of what’s going on with the growth by comparing it to the preceding month. 
  • Growth rate helps businesses find new growth opportunities to pursue success and improve their tactics wherever required.
  • The beginning needs to be processed right to gain quality results at the end. Daily active users and business goals are the two metrics a business can define at the start to hit the correct targets and move in the right direction.
  • Understanding the retention rate is crucial for the long-term run of every business. One of the most significant indicators of a sustainable business is a retention rate that grows month-over-month.
  • Understanding the importance of measuring the metrics every month is vital so that the changes are made based on the problem that occurred.

Final Takeaways on Compound Monthly Growth Rate

One of the metrics representing business growth is Month-over-Month (MoM). A compound monthly growth rate omits the effect of volatility, smooths the historical data, and implies steady business growth. Even the best product and services need an honest and accurate growth rate. A false narrative of Month-over-Month metrics can hinder a company’s growth and lessen the long-term chances of success.


1. How to calculate the average monthly growth rate?

The formula for calculating the average monthly growth rate (month on month growth / MoM growth formula) is given below:

Month-over-Month growth rate – Percent Change = (Month 1 – Month 2) / Month 1 * 100

To calculate MoM (month on month growth), we must subtract the first month from the second month and divide that by the last month’s total. To get the answer in percentage, we must multiply the result by 100.

2. Can you calculate the monthly CAGR?

Yes, monthly compound annual growth rate (CAGR) can be calculated, and the formula for the same is given as:

CAGR = (FV / PV) 1 / n-1


FV = The future value of the investment

PV= The present value of the investment

n = Number of years of investment

3. What is the compounded monthly growth rate formula?

Investors can use the compounded monthly growth rate (CMGR) method to determine the periodic growth of an investment over a specific time period.

The rate of return (RoR) needed for an investment to increase from its starting balance to its ending balance, providing profits were reinvested after each period of the investment’s life span, is known as the compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

How to calculate compound growth? The formula for computing compounded monthly growth rate is [CMGR = (Latest Month/ First Month)(1/# of Months) -1].

4. How is the CMGR formula different from other growth rate formulas?

CAGR vs YoY growth: The annual growth rate gives the sum of the individual yearly growth rates. CMGR, on the other hand, represents the typical compounded growth rate throughout the specified time period.

5. What are the inputs required for the CMGR formula?

The starting value of an investment or asset (P0) and the final value of that investment or asset after a given amount of time (Pn) are the two inputs needed by the Compounded Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR) calculation. These figures show the investment or asset’s beginning and ending valuations, respectively.

The CMGR formula, which assumes that the growth rate is compounded monthly, determines the rate of growth of the investment over the specified period of time. The actual formula is:

CMGR = (Pₙ/P₀)^(1/n) – 1

where “n” is the difference in months between the asset’s starting and ending values. In finance and investing, the CMGR formula is frequently used to calculate the growth of investments over time.

6. What are some limitations of using the CMGR formula?

The Compounded Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR) formula has a number of drawbacks.

  • To start, it makes the assumption that the investment’s growth rate would remain constant throughout the entire period, which is frequently not the case in real-world settings.
  • Second, it ignores any outside variables that can influence the rate of return on the investment, such as inflation or shifts in market conditions.
  • Bonds and real estate assets may not be suitable candidates for the CMGR formula because of their erratic cash flows.
  • The CMGR calculation, which may not accurately reflect the compounding frequency of the investment, assumes monthly compounding.

7. How can the CMGR formula be applied in practice?

There are numerous methods to put the Compounded Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR) calculation to use in real-world situations. The success of investments over time, such as stocks or mutual funds, is frequently measured.

To figure out the rate of return on their assets, an investor, for instance, could compute the CMGR of their investment portfolio over the previous year. By doing so, the investor will be better able to evaluate the success of their investment plan and decide on new investments with knowledge.

The CMGR method can also be used to predict future growth rates for investments. Investors can determine the anticipated rate of growth for an investment in the future by calculating the CMGR of the investment over a previous period.

The performance of various investments can be compared using the CMGR formula. Investors can evaluate the rates of growth of several investments and decide where to put their money by calculating the CMGR of several investments over the same time period.

All things considered, the CMGR formula is a helpful tool for financial analysts and investors to assess the growth potential of investments and make defensible choices about their portfolios.

8. What is the formula for growth rate?

Investors can use the Compounded Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR) calculation to determine the periodic growth of an investment over a specific time frame. The Monthly Growth Rate formula for computing CMGR is [CMGR = (Latest Month/ First Month) (1/# of Months) -1].

9. What is the yearly growth rate?

The annual growth rate, also referred to as the “simple growth rate” or “average annual growth rate (AAGR),” is a gauge of the rise in value of an investment or revenue stream over the course of a year. The yearly growth rate is calculated by dividing the total annual growth at the beginning of the year by the total growth at the end of the year. The annual growth rate is typically computed as a percentage to make the growth amount more palatable to investors. This is how the code appears:

Annual growth rate formula = [ending value/ beginning value] – 1

10. How do you calculate compound Annual growth rate?

The acronym CAGR means compound annual growth rate. It represents an investment’s annual growth rate over time, considering the impact of compounding. The prior performance of investments is frequently evaluated and compared, or their anticipated future returns are projected. (Ending Value/Beginning Value) (1/No. of Periods) – 1 is the calculation for CAGR.

11. What is CAGR vs. growth rate?

AAGR gives the annual growth rates’ arithmetical mean. CAGR, on the other hand, represents the typical cumulative growth rate over the specified period.

12. How do you calculate the growth rate example?

Utilize the development rate formula: By dividing the present value by the previous value, multiplying the result by 1/N, and deducting one from that result, you can find the growth rate. The formula’s N denotes the number of years.

Growth rate = (Current value / Previous value) x 1/N – 1 is the calculation.

13. What is the full formula of CAGR?

The rate of return (RoR) needed for an investment to increase from its starting balance to its ending balance, assuming earnings were reinvested after each period of the investment’s life span, is the CAGR (compound yearly growth rate) .

CAGR} = \left(\frac{V_\text{final}}{V_\text{begin}} \right)^{1/t} – 1″

14. How do you calculate month over month growth?

Month-over-month (MoM) growth is calculated by:

  • Subtracting the previous month’s value from the current month’s value.
  • Dividing the result by the previous month’s value.
  • Multiplying by 100% to express the answer as a percentage.

Formula: MoM Growth = ((Current Month – Previous Month) / Previous Month) * 100%

15. How to do month over month in Excel?

In Excel, you can easily calculate MoM growth using formulas:

  • Simple formula: Enter “= (B2-B1)/B1*100%” in cell C2 (assuming your data is in columns B1 and B2), and copy the formula down.
  • Table formula: Use the =SUBTOTAL(109,A2:A11) formula for each MoM column, replacing A2:A11 with your data range.

16. How do you calculate month over month growth in SQL?

The specific SQL query will depend on your database and table structure, but the general approach involves:

Selecting the desired metric (e.g., sales) for the current and previous months.

Using a window function like LAG or OVER to access the previous month’s value.

Calculate the difference or ratio between the current and previous month’s values.

Use a CASE statement if you want to differentiate between simple and compound MoM calculations

17. What is the formula for CMGR?

Compound Monthly Growth Rate (CMGR) considers the cumulative growth over a period, not just individual month-over-month changes. The formula is:

Formula: CMGR = ((Final Month Value / Initial Month Value)^(1 / Number of Months) – 1) * 100%

18. What is the difference between CAGR and CMGR?

CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate): Measures the average annual growth rate over a year, assuming compounding. Useful for annual comparisons.

CMGR (Compound Monthly Growth Rate): Measures the average monthly growth rate over a period (often 6-18 months), assuming compounding. Captures shorter-term trends not reflected in CAGR.

In simple terms, CAGR looks at annual averages, while CMGR zooms in on monthly compounding within a longer period.

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About the Author


Manjusha Karkera is an enthusiastic content marketer who has created numerous engaging and compelling writing pieces for various clients and companies over the years. She enjoys writing pithy content and copy on various sectors like fashion, beauty and wellness, sports, fitness, education, etc. Prior to Team upGrowth, she worked as a Marketing Communications Specialist. Her overall experience includes all forms of content writing and copywriting.

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