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Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumb navigation is a type of website navigation that provides a trail for users to follow back to the starting or entry point of a website. Typically displayed at the top of a webpage, breadcrumbs consist of a series of horizontal links that represent the hierarchy of the site and show the user’s current location within that structure. 

This tool is particularly useful for websites with multiple layers of content, such as e-commerce sites, educational sites, or large blogs, as it helps users understand their current position and easily navigate back through each stage of their path without needing to repeatedly hit the back button.

In addition to improving user experience by simplifying site navigation, breadcrumb navigation can also enhance a website’s SEO performance. Breadcrumbs provide another set of hyperlinks that search engines can crawl, which helps them better understand and index the site’s structure.

 This can lead to improved visibility and higher search rankings. Moreover, Google sometimes displays breadcrumbs in search results, replacing the traditional URL under the search listing with the breadcrumb path, which can make the search result appear more appealing and relevant to users.

Breadcrumb navigation is a vital on-page entity.

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