Transparent Growth Measurement (NPS)
10 Reasons You Should Hire a Growth Hacker in your Digital Marketing Team to kickstart your Startup Business

The term ‘Growth Hacking‘ was first known to the world of marketing in an article entitled“Find a Growth Hacker for your startups.” Sean Ellis first introduced Growth Hacker as a term in 2010. It is defined as a person whose primary marketing focus is growth. Growth Hackers have a dedicated role where they work closely […]

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What is Growth Hacking – Tools, Strategies, Process and Case Studies

Growth hacking is THE BUZZWORD for startups. It’s all about growth hacking. That’s the thing. It’s almost annoying for those who have heard about it 1,000’s of times. And, it’s confusing for those who don’t know what it is. Like it or not, growth hacking is happening. And, it’s the reason we get to see a […]

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Growth Hacking Tricks for Startups in 2018

Is your startup in search of new avenues for growth and expansion? Then you’ll want to read the blog further on which types of growth hack ideas growth hack techniques as popularly known will be needed to achieve this growth. Each technique mentioned in the article serves a different purpose and to achieve this purpose, […]

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The term Growth Hacking gained popularity in 2010 and it umbrellas many other digital marketing concepts. Anyone who is a part of the Digital marketing or the business growth world needs to be aware of all the developments in the ‘Growth Hacking Arena’.


So what exactly is Growth Hacking?
Growth hacking, commonly referred to as “growth marketing,” is the practise of using resource-efficient and affordable digital marketing strategies to increase and maintain the number of engaged users, drive sales, and increase brand awareness.
It is a branch of marketing which is devoted to accelerating business expansion. Both, procedure and a collection of cross-disciplinary skills are used to describe it.


Growth hacking is not just for entrepreneurs, businesses, marketers, or even ordinary people. Anyone who wishes to achieve growth toward their initial aims gains from it. Growth hacking is a technique, a strategy, and a way of thinking to propel any endeavor forward.


Growth hacking is an all-inclusive word for growth tactics businesses employ to achieve scalable and fantastic growth as well as a laser-focused mentality of utilizing the most affordable ways to achieve said growth. It is a technique, a strategy, and a way of thinking to propel any endeavor forward.


Growth hacking is an all-inclusive word for growth tactics businesses employ to achieve scalable and fantastic growth as well as a laser-focused mentality of utilizing the most affordable ways to achieve said growth.


So are you wondering what exactly is the role of a growth hacker?


Growth hackers significantly increase or “hack” the potential for business growth. By examining performance and objectives, experimenting with tactics, evaluating results, and putting up alternatives, they concentrate on stimulating and increasing market expansion for businesses.
Product managers, engineers, and other team members who work on a product or service can all be growth hackers. Growth hackers are primarily concerned with tactics for expanding the company. They posit, order, and test cutting-edge growth tactics. They investigate and experiment to see what works.


Our blogs cover a broad range of information related to Growth Hacking, from best strategies, tips, successful examples and best practices, you will find everything you need in one place.


Check out the best Growth Hacking Blogs drafted by our industry experts.

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