Transparent Growth Measurement (NPS)

Unlocking Business Success: A Deep Dive into Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Contributors: Amol Ghemud
Published: September 18, 2023


Dive deep into the concept of NPS, a metric that gauges customer loyalty and predicts business growth by measuring the likelihood of customers recommending a company. It breaks down how to calculate NPS, interpret scores, and use the insights for strategic improvements in customer service and product offerings.

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Customers’ tendency to suggest a business, goods, or services to others is measured by the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a customer loyalty indicator. It’s an easy-to-use statistic that is well-known and provides valuable information on customer satisfaction and potential areas for growth.

How does Net Promoter Score (NPS) work? 

Customer happiness and loyalty are measured using the NPS metric. It centers on the following query: “How likely would one recommend the company/product/service to a friend or a colleague on a scale of 0 to 10?” Three consumer groups are created based on their responses: Promoters (9–10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0–6).

How is NPS calculated?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) can be calculated using a straightforward formula based on responses to a specific question. Here’s how NPS is calculated:

Net Promoter Score Calculation:

NPS Question (Net Promoter Score Question):

Begin by asking your customers:

“On the scale of 0 to 10, how likely is one to recommend the company/product/service to a friend or colleague?”

Categorize Respondents:

Based on their responses to the NPS question, categorize respondents into three groups:

  • Promoters (Score 9-10): These enthusiastic and loyal customers are highly likely to recommend your brand.
  • Passives (Score 7-8): These customers are satisfied but less enthusiastic than Promoters. They are less likely to promote your brand actively.
  • Detractors (Score 0-6): Detractors are dissatisfied customers who may even spread negative feedback about your brand.

Calculate Percentages:

Determine the percentage of respondents in each category by dividing the number of respondents in that category by the total number of respondents. For example:

  • Percentage of Promoters = (Number of Promoters / Total Number of Respondents) * 100
  • Percentage of Passives = (Number of Passives / Total Number of Respondents) * 100
  • Percentage of Detractors = (Number of Detractors / Total Number of Respondents) * 100

Net Promoter Score Formula:

Calculate the Net Promoter Score:

  • NPS = Percentage of Promoters – Percentage of Detractors

Interpreting the Net Promoter Score (Net Promoter Score Meaning):

The resulting NPS score can range from -100 to +100. Here’s how to interpret NPS scores:

  • NPS above 0: Indicates that you have more Promoters than Detractors, suggesting a positive customer sentiment.
  • NPS of +50 or higher: Signifies an excellent NPS, indicating solid customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend.
  • NPS between +30 and +49: Represents a good NPS, with a positive customer sentiment but some room for improvement.
  • NPS between 0 and +29: Suggests a moderate NPS, indicating that you have more satisfied customers and some Detractors.
  • NPS below 0: Indicates a negative NPS, with more Detractors than Promoters, highlighting areas for improvement and potential issues with customer satisfaction.

What’s a good NPS?

A good Net Promoter Score (NPS) typically falls within the range of +30 to +49, but what constitutes a “good” NPS can vary by industry and company. Here’s an explanation of what constitutes a good NPS score, considering the specified keywords:

What is a Good NPS (Net Promoter Score)?

A good NPS indicates a positive level of customer loyalty and satisfaction. While the specific threshold for what’s considered “good” can vary, generally:

  • NPS above 0: Indicates that you have more Promoters than Detractors, suggesting a net positive sentiment among customers.
  • NPS between +30 and +49: This is often seen as a good NPS. It represents a positive customer sentiment and indicates that a significant portion of your customers are likely to recommend your brand.
  • NPS of +50 or higher: This is considered excellent. It signifies a very high level of customer loyalty and the likelihood that customers will actively promote your brand to others.
  • NPS between 0 and +29: Represents a moderate NPS. While there’s a positive sentiment among customers, there may still be room for improvement and addressing Detractors’ concerns.
  • NPS below 0: Indicates a negative NPS, with more Detractors than Promoters, suggesting that there are issues with customer satisfaction that need to be addressed urgently.

It’s important to note that what constitutes a “good” NPS can depend on various factors, including the industry, competitive landscape, and customer expectations. Therefore, it’s valuable to benchmark your NPS against industry standards and track changes over time to assess the efficacy of your efforts to improve customer loyalty and satisfaction.

A good NPS typically falls in the range of +30 to +49, but the interpretation of NPS can vary based on the specific circumstances of your business and industry. Using NPS for ongoing customer feedback and improvement is crucial rather than solely relying on a single score.

How is NPS used?

Customer Feedback and Measurement 

NPS collects customer feedback regarding their likelihood of recommending a company, product, or service. It provides a quantitative measure of customer sentiment and loyalty.

Identifying Promoters and Detractors 

NPS categorizes customers into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors based on their responses to the NPS question. This segmentation helps businesses identify their most loyal customers (Promoters) and those needing attention (Detractors).

Benchmarking and industry comparison 

Companies use NPS to benchmark their performance against industry standards and competitors. It helps them understand how they stack up regarding customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Customer Retention and Loyalty Strategies 

NPS feedback guides the development of strategies to improve customer retention and loyalty. Companies can address Detractors’ concerns and reinforce relationships with Promoters.

Product and Service Improvements 

NPS data highlights areas for improvement in products or services based on customer feedback. It directs companies toward making changes that positively impact customer satisfaction.

Operational Enhancements 

Companies may use NPS insights to make operational changes, streamline processes, and enhance customer experience.

Marketing and Branding

Promoters can become brand advocates, and their positive word-of-mouth recommendations can be leveraged in marketing campaigns to attract new customers.

Customer Service Excellence 

NPS helps evaluate the effectiveness of customer service efforts. Companies can reward outstanding customer service and address areas where improvements are needed.

Feedback Loops and Continuous Improvement 

NPS fosters a culture of continuous improvement by establishing feedback loops. Companies collect NPS data regularly and use it to refine their strategies.

Predictive Indicator 

NPS trends can serve as predictive indicators of future business growth or decline. Improvements in NPS scores often correlate with increased revenue.

NPS is a versatile metric businesses use to collect customer feedback, assess customer loyalty, drive improvements, and guide strategic decision-making.

And what’s the future of NPS?

The future of Net Promoter Score (NPS) will evolve and adapt as businesses seek more comprehensive ways to measure and improve customer loyalty and satisfaction. Here are some potential trends and directions for the future of NPS, considering the specified keywords:

The future of NPS:

Integration with Advanced Analytics:

NPS data may increasingly be integrated with advanced analytics tools, allowing businesses to gain deeper insights into the factors influencing customer loyalty and to predict customer behavior more accurately.

AI and Machine Learning:

AI and machine learning algorithms could analyze NPS data more effectively, identifying patterns and trends that might not be apparent through manual analysis.

Multichannel NPS:

As customer interactions occur across various channels (online, offline, social media, etc.), NPS measurement may become more integrated and comprehensive, allowing businesses to gather feedback from multiple touchpoints.

Real-time NPS Feedback:

Real-time NPS feedback tools could become more prevalent, enabling companies to immediately address customer concerns and issues, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Emphasis on Qualitative Insights:

Beyond numeric scores, NPS might increasingly focus on gathering qualitative insights through open-ended questions, providing a richer understanding of customer sentiment.

Customized NPS Surveys:

Companies may tailor NPS surveys to specific customer segments or products, allowing for more targeted feedback and insights.

Integration with CX Platforms:

NPS could be integrated with broader Customer Experience (CX) platforms to provide a holistic view of the customer journey and better understand the factors influencing loyalty.

Ethical Use of Data:

As data privacy problems persist, businesses may need to focus on the ethical and transparent use of NPS data, ensuring customer trust and compliance with regulations.

Predictive Analytics for Churn Prevention:

NPS data might be used in predictive analytics standards to identify customers at risk of churn and proactively take action to retain them.

Global and Cultural Adaptation:

Businesses operating in diverse regions may need to adapt NPS surveys and strategies to consider cultural differences and preferences.

Measurement Beyond Loyalty:

NPS may be used not only as a loyalty metric but also as a gauge of innovation potential and the likelihood of customers adopting new products or features.


1. What is Net Promoter Score (NPS) and why is it important for businesses?

NPS is a customer loyalty metric that revolves around one question: “On the scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to advise our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?” Customers respond by choosing a number on the scale, representing their likelihood to recommend.

2. Why is NPS Important for Businesses?

NPS holds several critical advantages for businesses:

  • Customer-Centric Approach: NPS focuses squarely on the customer’s perspective, helping businesses align their strategies with customer needs and preferences.
  • Loyalty Measurement: It precisely measures customer loyalty, which is a vital factor in long-term business success.
  • Benchmarking: Companies can benchmark their NPS against industry standards and competitors to understand their market position.
  • Actionable Insights: NPS feedback offers actionable insights into areas for improvement, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions.
  • Retention and Growth: Businesses can enhance customer retention and drive organic growth through positive word-of-mouth by addressing Detractors’ concerns and nurturing Promoters.
  • Operational Improvements: NPS guides functional changes and process enhancements to provide a better customer experience.
  • Marketing and Branding: Promoters can become brand advocates, contributing to marketing efforts and increasing brand credibility.
  • Predictive Value: NPS trends can predict future business performance, helping companies anticipate growth or decline.
  • Customer Service Excellence: NPS data evaluates the effectiveness of customer service efforts, allowing companies to recognize and reward outstanding service.
  • Feedback Loops: It fosters a culture of continuous improvement by establishing feedback loops for ongoing customer insights.

3. How is Net Promoter Score calculated, and what does it reveal about customer satisfaction? 

Net Promoter Score Formula:

  • Calculate the Net Promoter Score by:
  • NPS = Percentage of Promoters – Percentage of Detractors

4. What Net Promoter Score Reveals about Customer Satisfaction?

NPS provides valuable insights into customer satisfaction and loyalty:

  • Loyalty Indicator: NPS measures the likelihood of customers recommending your company, product, or service to others. Higher NPS scores indicate stronger loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Segmentation: Categorizing customers into Promoters, Passives, and Detractors helps identify those who are highly satisfied (Promoters) and those who may require attention (Detractors).
  • Overall Sentiment: NPS is a general sentiment indicator, reflecting the balance between positive and negative customer experiences.
  • Benchmarking: It allows businesses to compare their NPS against industry benchmarks and competitors, gaining insights into their competitive position.
  • Actionable Insights: NPS feedback provides actionable insights for improving the customer experience, addressing issues raised by detectors, and reinforcing positive aspects highlighted by Promoters.
  • Predictive Value: NPS trends can serve as predictive indicators of future customer behavior and business growth.

5. What are the possible advantages of using Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a (KPI) key performance indicator? 

Using NPS as a key performance indicator (KPI) offers several benefits for businesses. It provides a straightforward and actionable way to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. Here are the key benefits of using NPS as a KPI, considering the specified keywords:

Benefits of Using the Net Promoter Score as a KPI:

  • Simplicity and Clarity
  • Customer-Centric Focus
  • Loyalty Measurement
  • Actionable Insights
  • Benchmarking and Competitor Analysis
  • Predictive Value
  • Operational Improvements
  • Customer Service Excellence
  • Marketing and Branding
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Customer Retention and Growth

6. How can businesses effectively implement Net Promoter Score surveys to gather meaningful feedback?

To effectively implement Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys and gather meaningful feedback, businesses should follow a structured approach that maximizes the response rate and provides valuable insights. Here are the steps for effective implementation:

1. Define Clear Objectives

2. Choose the Right Timing

3. Keep the NPS Question Simple

4. Determine the Survey Channel

5. Personalize and Segment Surveys

6. Keep Surveys Short

7. Set a Follow-Up Mechanism

8. Collect Feedback Continuously

9. Analyze and Act on Feedback

10. Share NPS Insights Across the Organization

11. Implement Improvements

12. Monitor Trends and Progress

13. Benchmark and Compare

14. Close the Feedback Loop

7. Can the Net Promoter Score be used in different industries and company sizes?

Yes, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) can be used effectively in different industries and for companies of varying sizes. NPS is a versatile metric that provides valuable insights into customer loyalty and satisfaction, making it applicable across industries and businesses of all sizes. Here’s how NPS can be used in various contexts:

1. Different Industries:

  • Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Healthcare
  • Financial Services
  • Technology
  • E-commerce

2. Different Company Sizes:

  • Small Businesses
  • Medium-Sized Companies
  • Large Enterprises

3. B2B and B2C

4. Nonprofit and Government

  • International Markets
  • Cross-Functional Use

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About the Author

Optimizer in Chief

Amol has helped catalyse business growth with his strategic & data-driven methodologies. With a decade of experience in the field of marketing, he has donned multiple hats, from channel optimization, data analytics and creative brand positioning to growth engineering and sales.

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