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How To Increase Your Blog Traffic in 2024? (Proven Tactics!)

Contributors: Amol Ghemud
Published: July 27, 2020


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Everyone wants to increase traffic to their blog, right? Here are a few tips on how to increase your blog users in 2024.

Whether you are running a business or trying to make it as a freelancer, your blog is a great way to attract potential leads and give your business an edge. Quality and consistency are the cornerstones of good blogging, but there’s more to it – a LOT more, in fact.

Here are 11 ways you can increase blog traffic.

  • Write For Your Audience

  • Craft The Perfect Headline

  • List Posts FTW

  • Guest Posting

  • Don’t Ignore SEO

  • Use Social Media And Web 2.0

  • Expand Into Other Media

  • Try Paid Campaigns

  • Don’t Ignore The Email Newsletter

  • Growth Hacking

  • It’s About Striking The Right Balance

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Write For Your Audience

The internet is vast – and to make a real connection, you need to write so that people will listen –specifically, the kind of people you are trying to attract. If you’re in the business of selling baking equipment, there’s probably little reason to target 70+ old men and women who are more likely to buy hearing aids as opposed to hand mixers.

First off, use engaging language – you want to be talking to them and make it sound conversational, not talking at them and making it a monologue. Most readers have landed upon your blog either by a search or a recommendation from elsewhere, so you can be rest assured that they are interested in what you have to say – so say it well!

Craft your content so that it speaks to the reader and appeals to them in an easy to read digestible format. It’s not easy to hold someone’s attention on the internet, and most readers are skimming anyway – so use short paragraphs, add bulleted lists, insert images where relevant and use concise headings and subheadings.

Your headings and subheadings need to have clarity – they should tell the reader what the paragraph is about – so skip the wordplay and poetry here. You should also stick to one idea per paragraph so that the reader stays with you and doesn’t leave the page, confused.

Craft The Perfect Headline

Remember how we talked about how it’s not easy to catch someone’s attention on the internet? You need to have the perfect opening in the form of a great headline. 80% of the time, people will click through to read your content if you hook them with a great headline.

How? The headline should try to tell a story and arouse curiosity. Instead of “Chocolate Cake Recipe,” try “This Is The Secret Ingredient That Sets This Chocolate Cake Apart!”. Chances are, you are more likely to click on the latter headline. Yes, we are aware that clickbait has its negative associations, but when you have a click-worthy headline that’s backed by a great blog post, it serves the purpose and strikes a chord with your readers.

List Posts FTW

We spoke earlier about how it’s important to format your blogs into digestible chunks – and there’s no better way to do that than with a listicle or list post.

A list post is a blog post that contains a list of tips, recommendations, techniques or points, organized in a numerical, bulleted, or point-wise manner.

There’s a reason list posts are so popular – for one, people love data and scores in a listed manner. Whether you are looking for the best restaurants in your town or the best holiday destinations in Germany, it’s more fun to read it in an orderly list than in a rolling paragraph. Lists are also easier to comprehend than paragraphs and are more likely to go viral (because of the former two reasons.)

Guest Posting

Guest posting on someone else’s blog and asking others to guest post on yours is a great way to spread the word about your brand to people who have never seen your work.

If you’re starting out, it won’t be easy convincing other bloggers or publications to let you post on their sites– you’ll need to have a really convincing, strong pitch, which isn’t easy.

This is where you need to leverage your existing connections and network – ask folks you know to give you a shot at blogging platform on their site. You can also ask them to return the favor and post a blog on your site.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you seek out guest posts. For starters, choose bloggers and sites that have an audience profile similar to yours. You don’t want to spend time and effort on a post that isn’t going to click with the readers.

Spend some time researching what kind of content has sparked interest among their readers and approach your post accordingly. It also helps if you have a ready piece of content.

And if you are asking someone else to post on your blog, make it easy for them: ask for something specific instead of a general topic. Also, add some stats and data on why posting on your site will be beneficial for them.

Don’t Ignore SEO

Attracting new visitors is how your blog grows and search engine traffic helps bring in those very visitors. Despite manifold channels, platforms, and hacks, organic search still remains one of the best ways to get more views and visits on your blog.

SEO isn’t about just keywords – there are several elements to it and they all work together to help make your website more visible and create awareness about your brand.

Keywords and content go hand in hand – keywords are the phrases, words, and terms people are searching for on the internet, and content is what drives engagement. Publishing content that has relevant keywords and is written in an open, conversational voice will bring in the kind of prospects you are looking for.

There’s also off-page SEO that needs to be followed. This refers to external optimization practices that happen off your website, in the form of backlinks. Quality backlinks to your site from other websites tell search engines that your website is valuable, building authority.

Use Social Media And Web 2.0

Promoting your blog is just as important as writing it. And where do you share your content? On social media!

Take a look around – everyone is on their smartphones these days, with millions logging into their social media accounts each day. This is a metric you need to tap into.

Create a sharing schedule and post to all the relevant channels: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Share the post more than once over a few days. It may put some people off, but in the long run, it will boost views.

You should also make it easy for your readers to share your content. Add social media buttons to your blog post and embed tweeting tools like “Tweet this line” into your posts to encourage readers to share it organically. Another way to drive traffic is by asking social-media-savvy influencers to give you a shout out.

Another thing to note is that a blog doesn’t have to remain just a blog – it can take on another life of its own if you repurpose it in the right manner. Turn that blog into a poster, infographic, PDF file or even a video, and share it on your socials.

Find more on “How social media can help your brand during covid-19 Pandemic?”

Expand Into Other Media

Don’t spread yourself too thin – that’s not what we are suggesting.

Once you establish yourself on one platform, expanding to another becomes easy, and dare we say, profitable. The fact is, there isn’t as much of overlap as you think there would be.

People listening to podcasts are likely to be a whole different lot compared to those who follow you on Instagram, so by catering to both platforms, you are widening your reach.

Try Paid Campaigns

Paid traffic, put simply, refers to buying traffic with online ads. Guest posting and social media are great tools to promote your blog, but they aren’t measurable. With a paid campaign, you are displaying your ad in a crowded space and you get relevant leads, thanks to all the targeting tools that are available.

You can choose from two main types of paid advertising, PPC (pay per click) and PPI (pay per impression). PPC is the amount of money you spend each time someone clicks on your ad. PPI, on the other hand (also known as PPM or CPM) refers to the amount of money you will have to pay to have your ad displayed a thousand times.

PPC is easier to track – and you pay only for the actual clicks. PPI, on the other hand, is less costly and guarantees the number of times your ad will be shown but doesn’t give you statistics on how many people clicked on the ad.

Both formats are a good way to spread the word about your blog and generate traffic – it’s a matter of choosing which one works for you (depending on your budget).

Don’t Ignore The Email Newsletter

The email newsletter is a sacred space: it is the one solid connection you have, directly with your reader, that isn’t getting drowned out by algorithms and other metrics.

Your reader has opted-in, and they will receive the message straight in their inbox, where they will see it first-hand – no jostling for space with other posts and stories and videos and cat gifs!
Here’s more on incredible free tools for email marketing!

Growth Hacking

If you’ve spent any time on the internet and in the digital media world, you are bound to have come across the term “growth hacker” and “growth hacking.” Sean Ellis, CEO and founder of GrowthHackers coined the term growth hacking in 2010. It is an umbrella term for strategies that focus solely on the growth of a brand, product or company. It’s associated with nascent startups that require major growth in a short period of time on small budgets. A person who does this is called a “growth hacker.”

You can hire a growth hacker to focus on strategies related ONLY to making your blog grow, test those strategies and analyse what’s working. There are no hard and fast rules as to what works and what doesn’t – it will vary from brand to brand. It’s about understanding why you grow and looking for ways to make that happen.

You can use a combination of content marketing, product marketing (if you have a product on offer) and advertising to achieve growth, but again, you need to analyse and test what works best for you. Webinars, influencer marketing, podcasting, blogger reviews and joining relevant online forums and groups are just some of the ways you can expand your reach.

It’s About Striking The Right Balance

There’s no one tip that will magically create crazy amounts of traffic for your blog – you need to use them in sync and adopt more than one tactic to see real growth.

Great writing will draw people in, but sharing on social media will ensure that your message is disseminated across relevant channels and reaches more people. Sharing spreads the word, but growth hacking and paid campaigns will give you more measurable results. So it’s about using a combination of techniques to hit the sweet spot.

And if you are looking to increase blog views and scale up your brand’s presence on the internet and attract more users, get in touch! Upgrowth specializes in growth hacking and digital marketing – we’d be happy to help you take your business to new levels!

Now that you have all these tips on how to increase blog traffic, which method would you adopt for your business in 2024? Tell us in the comments below!

1.How to get traffic to your blog?

Everyone who runs a blog wants one thing: more traffic! Here are a few tips on how to get traffic to your blog.

  •     Make your site SEO-friendly.

  •     Use relevant keywords so that people searching for those terms land up on your blog.

  •     Blog consistently and regularly.

  •     Use social media to share your posts.

  •     Read and comment on other blogs and connect to the community.

  •     Use appropriate tags and categories so that your posts can be found in WordPress or Blogger.

Link to other blogs and engage with others.

2. How to increase blog traffic?

One common question that most bloggers face is how to increase blog traffic. 

Here are some tips.

  •     Write more, write often.

  •     Share and link on social media to direct more traffic to your blog page.

  •     Craft engaging titles that spark interest.

  •     Find a niche and direct your content to your target audience.

  •     Incorporate the right keywords so that search engines find you.

  •     Add social sharing buttons so that readers can share it with their network. 

  •     Add videos – this is a great way to boost engagement and get more views.

Try your hand at giveaways – invite readers to comment, like and share on social media and give away a prize.

3.What are some examples of subheadings?

Headings and subheadings are a necessary part of any blog. They help break down complex thoughts and ideas into digestible, bite-size pieces and also make your blog easier to read.

Especially today when most readers skim through content, headings and subheadings can help them scroll through your posts quickly and easily. And, since most people access the web through their mobile devices, screen sizes are smaller, making it more difficult to take in large chunks of text.

For example, if you are writing a blog about what SEO is, your heading could be “All About SEO,” while a possible sub-heading could be “How SEO affects your blog ranking.”

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About the Author

amol ghemud
Optimizer in Chief

Amol has helped catalyse business growth with his strategic & data-driven methodologies. With a decade of experience in the field of marketing, he has donned multiple hats, from channel optimization, data analytics and creative brand positioning to growth engineering and sales.

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