Transparent Growth Measurement (NPS)
The Role of Messaging Apps in Modern Digital Campaigns

The Role of Messaging Apps in Modern Digital Campaigns A strong marketing strategy is essential for business success. To stay ahead, it’s crucial to continually explore new tools and methods. Social media platforms are currently the most powerful marketing tools available. Additionally, messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are rapidly gaining influence and can […]

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Strategic Spending in Retail: How to Allocate Your Marketing Budget

Imagine this: you’re a retail captain at the helm of a treasure ship, overflowing with unique products. But here’s the catch – your navigational tools are a bit wonky. Allocating your marketing budget without a strategic plan is akin to sailing the high seas with a faulty compass. You might stumble upon some success, but […]

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How Much Should Fintechs Spend on Marketing: Budget Allocation

The FinTech industry is like a bustling metropolis, a place where sleek skyscrapers representing innovative financial products jostle for attention. But just like in any bustling city, competition is fierce. To stand out amongst the digital crowd, FinTech companies need a strategic fintech marketing plan – and a crucial part of that plan is figuring […]

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Driving Brand Awareness: Budgeting for Marketing in the FMCG Sector

Imagine a supermarket aisle. A cacophony of color, packaging, and logos bombard your senses. This, my friends, is the gladiator arena of the FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) sector. From laundry detergents to breakfast cereals, brands vie for a coveted spot in your shopping basket – often for products with seemingly minor differentiators. So, how do […]

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The Ultimate Ecommerce Marketing Pricing Guide

In the gladiator arena of modern ecommerce, a well-oiled marketing engine is your shield and sword. But effective marketing doesn’t appear out of thin air. It requires a meticulously planned ecommerce marketing budget. Think of it as an investment in growth. A precisely allocated budget fuels targeted ecommerce marketing pricing strategies, propelling you towards your […]

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Strategic Spending in Healthcare Marketing: Where to Allocate Your Budget

In today’s healthcare landscape, the battle for patient acquisition is fierce. Gone are the days of a single local hospital dominating its community. Now, a dynamic web of clinics, specialists, and health systems vie for the ever-evolving needs of patients. This competitive environment necessitates a shrewd approach to marketing expenditures. Here’s the key: strategic budget […]

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Digital Marketing is a broad concept. Consider this the umbrella term for marketing branches such as SEO, google ads, social media marketing, email marketing, and many others. The term ‘Digital Marketing’ found its roots in the early 1990 and ever since the evolution in this field has been phenomenal.


New strategies, tools, ideas, and concepts are cropping every day. New benchmarks, achievements, and growth are observed every single day. Businesses have skyrocketed and are thriving because of digital marketing. And this is exactly why start-up founders, businessmen, and digital marketers need to cope with the advancements in this field.


Therefore, we compiled a list of the top digital marketing blogs that we believe are interesting, educational, and crucial to the marketing industry. These digital marketing blogs are designed for everyone, be it a founder, SEO specialist, google ads expert, social media planner, graphic designer, or writer. These digital marketing articles are sure to add value to your strategies and business growth.


From personal and professional growth-related good reads to curating unique and impactful social media strategies, you’ll find all your marketing-related answers in these Digital marketing blogs.


Our industry experts have covered all the major aspects that will help you build a 360-degree plan for your business. Our digital marketing blogs also include email marketing growth hacks, Google ads guidelines, online reputation management, and many other significant areas.


The digital marketing blogs we have compiled for you inspire ideas on a range of topics, including digital trends, process innovations, and best practices. We strive to emphasize everything in these blogs as we strike a balance between the significance of technical, results-driven branding, and creative campaigns. You may discover everything here, including strategy, design, and marketing.


Why are Digital Marketing blogs important?

They are simple, quick, and easy! Blogs will save a lot of your time. Imagine a new google ads update being launched and you have to hunt through the internet, watch videos and go through the trial and error trouble. This is where blogs come into the picture. You can get all the information you need at a go.


Stay updated with the latest trends, news, and tools of the Digital marketing world with these up-to-date digital marketing blogs.

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