Breadcrumbs are the most effective as they provide a straightforward way for visitors to navigate the site and understand how the site structure actually works. Breadcrumb schema markup is used by Google in the body of a webpage in order to categorize all the information from the page in search results. This is one of the reasons why Google loves breadcrumbs too.
Structured data helps to send the right signals to search engines about businesses and content. Breadcrumb structured data introduced by Google uses the markup in the body of the web page in order to showcase the breadcrumbs within the search results.
If your website’s URLs convey sufficient information already, then you may not be in need of a breadcrumb schema to improve the search result listings.
Breadcrumb Schema helps Google understand the site’s structure in a better and more defined manner by defining a hierarchy between specific pages. However, if they appear in the search results, they also add colossal potential to drive additional clicks, irrespective of the hierarchy level.
Breadcrumb Schema does not stop with deployment. After defining entities in your website content through structured data, these entities can be linked to a search engine’s knowledge graph. Knowledge graph helps connect information from all over the web, and structured data helps search engines contextualize certain content so that they can better match a site with search queries.