Mastering technologies and forming a strong fundamental base for young children is both rapid and cumulative, continuously laying a foundation for later learning.
Gyanoholic pioneers in training kids of the age 4 -18 years in the field of Technology & Engineering with the best in class STEM education and state-of-the-art facilities.
Gyanoholic currently works with over 30 schools across multiple cities and is involved in introducing Tech Education in the most Elaborate, Enjoyable, and Experiential way for young excited kids.
The goal seemed simple but proved to be challenging because of the customer-centric issues that the Gyanoholic was facing which led to non-conversion of the acquired leads and poor quality of leads.
When Gyanoholic approached upGrowth, they were struggling to get quality leads and increase the lead flow that might help them get converted to the paid courses which was the ultimate goal.
Gyanoholic was at a point in their journey where they had to figure out how to reach the right audience to increase the conversion, however, they needed to scale up their business considerably with a generous amount of leads and make sure that they didn’t massively increase their CAC in the process.
The Edtech industry is already overheated due to funded startups and heavy spends to get more eyeballs from so many startups and established players.
Gyanoholic needed to get quality leads from paid efforts immediately.
We deep-dived into the brand challenges and came up with a scalable strategy that would serve our clients well in the long run.
Here are some of the important elements of our holistic approach to a long-term paid strategy:
Facebook and Google Ads
Correct targeting with a minimalistic and targeted approach in messaging, based on each audience segment, helped to achieve the lowest CPL with extensive quality leads for the Gyanoholic EdTech company within 30 days!
We have been working with Amol and his team at upGrowth for the past few months. I must say I have had a great experience working with a super passionate team and we see a great level of improvement in our marketing activities after we have started working with upGrowth. Amol has a great understanding of the space and brings tremendous value to the table.