Transparent Growth Measurement (NPS)

Industry : E-commerce | Provided Service : Search Engine Optimization

How we Helped an E-cigarette Company Reposition their Brand and Generate over $4 Million in Sales


E-cigarettes are a growing market in the US and globally. When client ***** came to us, they were looking to grow their footprint on the web and generate more sales and enquiries.

Identified Challenges

The client was witnessing flat growth through the period of January 2020 till March 2020. However, after implementing our growth strategies, we managed to increase unique users from zero to 3 million-plus in a span of 6 months, witnessing significant growth and traction.

Empathy, Research, Brain Storming & Plan

From the total number of users (3,780,513) a bulk of the leads were coming in from organic search (2, 590,186). So, with an increased focus on organic search, along with direct, paid search, email campaigns, referrals and social, we were able to grow customers from zero to four million in a span of 7 months.


While we used a variety of channels, what is notable is that free, organic channels contributed to over 90% of that growth. Organic search brought in 66% of the leads, followed by direct at 21.26% and email at 1.69%. (Paid search contributed 8.24%) Referral, social media and other channels brought in less than 1% each.

Another significant point to note is the number of new users acquired during this period – over 3.8 million – and here too, free channels like organic search, direct and email paid rich dividends, contributing close to 90% of the traffic.


The metrics highlight how a clear strategy and targeted campaigns can boost engagement and conversions – and that even today, nothing quite compares to organic search and rankings. Thanks to these combined efforts, over a period of seven months, the company was able to generate over $4 million in revenue.

Are you looking to grow your business? Get in touch with us and we could create a winning strategy for your brand as well!

upGrowth Solution

  • Before - 2 Lac +
  • After - 3 Million +
  • Increase by 1400% within 7 Months
  • Before -$ 3 Lac +
  • After - $ 4 Million +
  • Increase by 1233% within 7 Months
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