Transparent Growth Measurement (NPS)

Industry : FMCG, Foodtech | Provided Service: Search Engine Marketing

How we Helped a Honey Brand Achieve 3x ROAS across various Channels of Digital Marketing


Finding pure, unadulterated, single-source & minimally processed honey has become next to impossible. Almost all brands in the market don’t share their procurement process from their customers, so that they can hide price discovery, product sourcing and distribution inefficiencies. The high cost of honey is passed onto consumers, while honey farmers are not given their due and squeezed to the last penny. To address these problems, one of our clients is selling unadulterated & single source honey using high-tech hives, following ethical practices that ensure happy farmers and no violence towards bees.

Identified Challenges

When the brand approached upGrowth, they were already selling through traditional marketing channels and strategies. Their objective was to explore digital marketing & offer their honey to as many consumers as possible. They were at a point in their journey where they had figured out how to get sales, however, they now needed to scale up their business considerably and make sure that they didn’t massively increase their CAC in the process.

Empathy, Research, Brainstorming & Plan

The goal seemed simple, but proved to be challenging as well. We needed to maximize the orders while keeping the CAC as low as possible. We were aware that we would have to build a multi-pronged, scalable strategy that would serve our clients well in the long run.


Here are some of the important elements of our holistic, long-term Amazon PPC strategy:

Google Ads



Facebook Ads



Organic Search (SEO)



Our holistic digital approach towards product marketing paid rich dividends and their sales started increasing exponentially.

upGrowth Solution

Google ROAS
  • Before - 66 K +
  • After - 2 Lac +
  • Increase by 240% within 1.5 months
Facebook ROAS
  • Before -22 K +
  • After - 57 K +
  • Increase by 159% within 1.5 months
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